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Our Community

Faith babies (noun): 1. the babies that take mommy on a faith building journey before they are born into the world. 2. these babies become daily reminders of God’s faithfulness and ability to perform miracles in our lives.

Faith Babies is a faith-building community for moms trying to conceive, carry to term, and birth their miracle babies.

The journey to motherhood is usually one of nervous excitement and anticipation, but for 1 in 8 women it can become a silent struggle of loss, infertility, and hopelessness. For those women with an unexpected journey to motherhood, we are a place of encouragement to help you hold on when you feel like giving up.

We want to be there with you on the days that you feel like all hope is lost, we want to walk with you into your fulfilled promise, and we look forward to you sharing your story to encourage others in the future.

We are here for you. You don’t have to journey alone. Let’s stand in faith together.

“It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep his promise.” -Hebrews 11:11
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